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Michal Breeth

Michal Breeth - foto poster

Michal Breeth
Skúsený DJ, producent (Peet & Breeth) a moderátor relácie 4 elements na rádiu _FM.


Radosť mu robia aktivity v rádiu _FM, kde pripravuje a moderuje reláciu o klubovej hudbe 4elements, spoločne s rubrikou denného vysielania Music Edication.

Ako dj sa už roky úspešne prezentuje nielen doma, ale čoraz častejšie aj v zahraničí. V ostatnom čase je mu blízky široko vyprofilovaný klubový sound menom progressive house. Okrem toho je dlhoročným techno dj-om a rezidentom kultovej bratislavskej party Doubledecker.

Fotky - Michal Breeth

Hudba pod hradbami 2010

hudba pod hradbami 2010 - Breethhudba pod hradbami 2010 - Breeth

Download 2010, Zvolen - Fotky od San

Michal BreethMichal Breeth BreethBreeth

Disco Fever 2010 Summer Celebration

Disco Fever - Michal BreethDisco Fever - Michal Breeth Disco Fever - Breeth & SchimekDisco Fever - Breeth & Schimek

Koncept Tatry_FM winter 2010 - fotky od Pala, Doda a Simi

Koncept Tatry - day two, Plesnivec - Breeth a WolschaKoncept Tatry - day two, Plesnivec - Breeth a Wolscha Koncept Tatry - day two, Plesnivec - BreethKoncept Tatry - day two, Plesnivec - Breeth

Koncept Tatry_FM - winter 2010 part 2

BreethBreeth Breeth & WolschaBreeth & Wolscha Breeth & WolschaBreeth & Wolscha

Le Grande House XL Edition - 19.2.2010 Dopler

Breeth & FesterBreeth & Fester BreethBreeth Breeth & RobbieBreeth & Robbie Pico & BreethPico & Breeth

DJs 4 HAITI - 5.2.2010, Unique

Breeth vs. PappiBreeth vs. Pappi DJ BreethDJ Breeth

DejaVu with Corvin Dalek - 28.11.2009, Unique BA

BreethBreeth BreethBreeth BreethBreeth BreethBreeth BreethBreeth BreethBreeth BreethBreeth

Fotky z Koncept Tatry 4.-6.9.2009, Štrbské Pleso

Koncept Tatry 4.-6.9.2009 - Funkatron, Breeth, TlamaKoncept Tatry 4.-6.9.2009 - Funkatron, Breeth, Tlama Koncept Tatry 4.-6.9.2009 - BreethKoncept Tatry 4.-6.9.2009 - Breeth Koncept Tatry 4.-6.9.2009 - Aknot a BreethKoncept Tatry 4.-6.9.2009 - Aknot a Breeth Koncept Tatry 4.-6.9.2009 - Felski, Striezski, BreethKoncept Tatry 4.-6.9.2009 - Felski, Striezski, Breeth

BeeFree 2009 - Horná Streda

DJ BreethDJ Breeth DJ BreethDJ Breeth

Energy Finlandia Red Bull Party, 6.6.2009, Rock Fabric, Poprad

BreethBreeth BreethBreeth

Beautiful Things, 9.5.2009, Bratislava

DJ BreethDJ Breeth

Love Celebration - 11.4.2009

BreethBreeth BreethBreeth

hardflash - Friday the 13th edition

DJ Breeth & Milan LieskovskýDJ Breeth & Milan Lieskovský DJ BreethDJ Breeth DJ BreethDJ Breeth DJ BreethDJ Breeth

Citadela Flashback - 23.01.2009 - Brno, Cz

DJ BreethDJ Breeth DJ BreethDJ Breeth

AirPort party-Letisko Trenčín

DJ BreethDJ Breeth

Download_FM - Open Air Festival by Mark

DJ BreethDJ Breeth DJ BreethDJ Breeth DJ BreethDJ Breeth

Download_FM - Open Air Festival by Domino Rauman

Breeth (house stage)Breeth (house stage) BreethBreeth ... stop in motion ... Breeth... stop in motion ... Breeth

APOKALYPSA 25th Celebration - next

Breeth & SchimekBreeth & Schimek Schimek & BreethSchimek & Breeth Schimek & BreethSchimek & Breeth Breeth & SchimekBreeth & Schimek Schimek & BreethSchimek & Breeth Schimek & BreethSchimek & Breeth DJ BreethDJ Breeth

APOKALYPSA 25th Celebration - by mark

Breeth & SchimekBreeth & Schimek Apokalypsa 25th Celebration - Schimek & BreethApokalypsa 25th Celebration - Schimek & Breeth

Bažant Pohoda 2006 - Schimek & Breeth, Darren Emerson

DJ Schimek & DJ Breeth: tam stačí zapnúť ten gombík :DDJ Schimek & DJ Breeth: tam stačí zapnúť ten gombík :D DJ Schimek & DJ BreethDJ Schimek & DJ Breeth DJ Breeth & DJ SchimekDJ Breeth & DJ Schimek DJ Breeth & DJ Schimek @ Bažant Pohoda 2006DJ Breeth & DJ Schimek @ Bažant Pohoda 2006 DJ Breeth & DJ Schimek @ Bažant Pohoda 2006DJ Breeth & DJ Schimek @ Bažant Pohoda 2006 DJ Breeth & DJ Schimek @ Bažant Pohoda 2006DJ Breeth & DJ Schimek @ Bažant Pohoda 2006 DJ BreethDJ Breeth čakanie na schimeka & breetha - do 05:30 :-]čakanie na schimeka & breetha - do 05:30 :-] DJ Schimek & DJ Breeth: tam stačí zapnúť ten gombík :DDJ Schimek & DJ Breeth: tam stačí zapnúť ten gombík :D Samsung Stage - Schimek & BreethSamsung Stage - Schimek & Breeth DJ Breeth @ Bažant Pohoda 2006DJ Breeth @ Bažant Pohoda 2006 DJ Breeth & DJ Schimek @ Bažant Pohoda 2006DJ Breeth & DJ Schimek @ Bažant Pohoda 2006 DJ Breeth & DJ Schimek @ Bažant Pohoda 2006DJ Breeth & DJ Schimek @ Bažant Pohoda 2006 Samsung Stage @ Schimek & BreethSamsung Stage @ Schimek & Breeth DJ BreethDJ Breeth DJ Breeth & DJ Schimek @ Bažant Pohoda 2006DJ Breeth & DJ Schimek @ Bažant Pohoda 2006 DJ Schimek & DJ Breeth @ Bažant Pohoda 2006DJ Schimek & DJ Breeth @ Bažant Pohoda 2006 DJ BreethDJ Breeth DJ BreethDJ Breeth Samsung Stage @ Schimek & BreethSamsung Stage @ Schimek & Breeth DJ BreethDJ Breeth

Základné informácie

DJ pseudo:
Michal Breeth
Pravé meno:

Michal Jančat

Hudobné štýly:
  • techno
  • tech house
  • progressive house/tribal house

Kontaktné informácie


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V systéme zatiaľ nie je evidované žiadne blízké vystúpenie tohto DJa.

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Klub, dátum:
Art cafe Groteska, 5.12.2014
Mesto, štát:
Poprad, Slovensko

Beefree 2012

Klub, dátum:
Letisko, 27.7.2012
Mesto, štát:
Piešťany, Slovensko

Angy Kore @ Empire

Klub, dátum:
Empire club, 28.1.2012
Mesto, štát:
Bratislava, Slovensko

SunDance 2011 - Indoor Edition

Klub, dátum:
Mestská hala, 11.11.2011
Mesto, štát:
Prešov, Slovensko


Klub, dátum:
Historická radnica, Košice, 28.10.2011
Mesto, štát:
Košice, Slovensko

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Aktuálne príspevky v komentároch

Michal Breeth